Please keep this window open and allow up to 15 minutes for the verification email to be delivered.
If it doesn't arrive after this time, please check your email is spelled correctly, or contact us if you need assistance to purchase tickets.
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If your email address is associated with an active customer account, an email containing a 6-digit security code will be sent to
Please keep this window open and allow up to 15 minutes for the verification email to be delivered.
If it doesn't arrive after this time, please check your email is spelled correctly, or contact us if you need assistance to purchase tickets.
Your password must contain:
We strongly recommend including one of the following limited special characters for added security: ! @ $ ^ * ( )
We also recommend using a pass-phrase (i.e. ILik3JohnGri$h@m) that you can easily remember, but is hard to guess.
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To finish creating your account, please fill in your details below. We couldn't access your information from Apple since the registration wasn't completed during the initial attempt.
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Your {0} subscription will be charged from {1} for
Golden Treasure Draw
During a Golden Treasure Draw, your subscription ticket value will be $10 instead of $5
Your $1000 per draw subscription will be charged from today
Bonus Gold
Bonus Gold
Access over $65M in prizes in 2025 with these VIP exclusive benefits:
Automatic entry in the weekly $5K cash bonus draws
Automatic entry in the $100K Quarterly Cash bonus draws
VIP Heroes draws worth millions in gold, with more chances to win
Guaranteed tickets in twelve multi-million dollar prize draws/year - pause or cancel anytime
Your $1000 per draw subscription will be charged from today for
Golden Treasure Draw
During a Golden Treasure draw, your subscription ticket value will be $10 instead of $5
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